Cincinnati Wildflower Preservation Society
(Ohio Native Plant Society, Southwestern Ohio Chapter) .
If you would like to be on our E-Mail Reminder List for members and non-members, just fill in form to the right with a brief messsage . All your contact info is private. Directions to our Lecture meetings is at the bottom of this page or on our home page!
2020–2021 Officers (Officers are Elected by the 9 Board members at the summer Board meeting . Officers must be board members.)
President: Angela Carter
Vice President: Christine Hadley
445 Ward-Koebel Road
Oregonia, OH 45054
513 850-9585
Recording Secretary: Jessica Spencer
Treasurer & Membership: Dr. Randy Johnson
513 751 2503
2020-2021 Chairpersons
(Chosen by the board at the summer Board meeting. They must be Society members, not necessarily board members)
Field Trip Coordinator: Angela Carter
Programs & Publicity: James Nathan Spencer
Plant Identification: Dan Boone
513 641-6572
Hospitality: Jim Mason
937 239 5692
Communications & Email Reminders: Bob Bergstein
3425 Lyleburn Place, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Board Members
(Elected by general membership during our annual March meeting, 3-year Terms start in the following September)
March 2018-2021: Christine Hadley, Randy Johnson, James Nathan Spencer
March 2019-2022: Bob Bergstein, Bill Edwards, Cynthia Fisher
March 2020–2023: Angela Carter, Jody Sparks, Jessica Spencer
For Cincinnati Wildflower Society By-Laws, Click here for Word Doc or here for Pdf
This document has our mission statement, duties of officers, and the rules for elections etc.
Directions to Avon Woods Nature Center:
Most of our meetings are held at Avon Woods Nature Center, a Cincinnati park located at 4235 Paddock Road, 45229 in the Paddock Hills/North Avondale neighborhood.
From the Norwood Lateral, take the Paddock Road exit.
Drive 9/10 mile south on Paddock. (You pass across Tennessee Ave. and little Egan Hills Drive or your right)
Turn sharp right into the park driveway next to the park sign (on the WEST side of Paddock)
Follow the long dark driveway to the lodge at the end.
Google maps knows the name "Avon Woods Nature Center" and the map correctly shows the long driveway
Typical Meeting at Avon Woods
During a typical meeting, we have a short (and, we believe, entertaining) 15-minute business meeting first, then the featured speaker, and then excellent refreshments. Visitors are welcome at all events and the refreshments are good! Bring something to share.
Directions to the Gathering at Northern Hills (formerly Northern Hills Fellowship): Twice a year in December and March, we have meetings (with a potluck dinner) at Northern Hills Fellowship located at 460 Fleming Road 45231 . Fleming Road runs East-West between Winton Road and Springfield Pike, and is just North of the Suburb of Wyoming, Ohio. Look closely since the Sign is small. Google knows the address 460 Fleming Road 45231.
Our newsletter or website will show the time for food and the time for our lectures at Northern Hills. The meals are potluck, so bring a appetizer, main dish, side dish or dessert to share with the group. If you would like a food assignment or have questions, contact or 513-477-4438
All our events are free and open to the public and all are welcome. Our hikes are casual and our trip leaders are familiar with most plants and will be glad to share their knowledge with you.
--------------------------- office use only ---------------------
cwfps feb 10 2023 Glenn Storrs Big Bone Lick video.mp4
hazelwood form
hazelwood photos and map
Hall of Physics and Math 1b.pdf
Our polar bear 1b.pdf
conover course
Richmond Group of the Cincinnati Province - Shideler
word document to print membership buttons, click here
March 20, 2011 reminder
cover botanical
Puttyroot Orchid (Stan Lockwood)
Shubin lecture
zoo map
Mystery Photo 1 Mystery Photo 2 , Mystery Photo 2b , Mystery Photo 3